Grandmother Wisdom

Grandmother Wisdom

I believe the essence of a true elder lies in their ability to see beyond the surface, to encourage and ignite the spark within us. The grandmother is a keeper of ancient lore, bridging generations, passing down tales as old as time. She is the living library, the...

From Maiden to Matriarch

From Maiden to Matriarch

If you are a strong woman, with aspirations and know that you have a message to share from your life experience, what do you do with it? I have considered this for many years, owned it, delved into many possibilities, written books, trained in various modalities and...

fragile is the sensitive soul

fragile is the sensitive soul

I believe that the more embodied our soul becomes, the more sensitive we become. The more we know ourselves, the more we simply cannot act from the avoidance of personality traits, from our ego running the show. It is hard to fully embrace our soul, to feel the...

A Friday Eve…

A Friday Eve…

After a nasty bump on my head, I had an evening in A&E. just to be sure there was nothing untoward going on underneath my precious skull. A Friday eve in A&E isn’t the most attractive of waiting places but a very necessary one in times of need. Five hours and...

My Wild Woman

My Wild Woman

Who is this wild woman that you talk about? Is she the one in the portraits and photographs with crazy hair, a fire in her eyes holding her sword, wearing her primal outfits of designer shapes and colours perfectly clad as it fits her slim lined body, with a perfect...

Learning and the 13 Weeks

Learning and the 13 Weeks

Many of us need some form of creativity in order to make sense of processes and concepts. Wether it’s writing, drawing or making models and maps. It’s been like this since the beginning of time. It’s how astrology was created, medicine wheels, diagrams in architecture...

Do Animals Have Souls?

Do Animals Have Souls?

Wouldn’t it be great to have Soul Advisors as well as Careers Advisors? (If there is a job going in a school somewhere I’ll sign up) If there truly is a soul, (which of course there is) wouldn’t we do better to educate our children about it, starting early on, rather...

Stitching, Weaving and Singing

Stitching, Weaving and Singing

One of the first things I made in my needlework class at school was a short petticoat, I was very proud of it. Not that I wore petticoats very often, they didn’t fit under denim jeans, nevertheless I had used a sewing machine and that felt like a great achievement. I...

The real Middle-earth

The real Middle-earth

I’ve had some ‘interesting’ sometimes unkind but naïve comments from people about me using the words Middle Earth as part of my body of work. I view this as what Herbert Spencer quoted as ‘contempt prior to any investigation’ or even asking me why! In fact very few...

What is Soul Loss?

What is Soul Loss?

There is so much soul loss in our world. Wether we see it afar or in our own homes. Walking down any street, shopping centre, parkland we will come across it. Sometimes in extreme circumstances, other times the look in another’s eye. It is there in plain sight, where...

Purpose is a quality, not a job

Purpose is a quality, not a job

So many people are talking about ‘purpose’ but what actually is it? How many times have we heard that our purpose matters? It has become popular and sometimes overrated, the idea that our purpose is important to find. Why has this become such a deep and meaningful...

A voice in the world

A voice in the world

I've given a lot of thought to my voice over these last few years. My desires to sing and to speak about what is important to me. It always takes me back to growing up, the way I did and how my voice was encouraged - or not. And in the ways it was encouraged or told...

Podcasts and Accountability

Podcasts and Accountability

Dear Readers, Last year I decided I was going to make a podcast. After all, a lot of people had said they would find this really useful, especially if I could create some meditations and book readings. Well I began it, put it aside for awhile, and then recently made...

The Cro(w)ne Of Womanhood

The Cro(w)ne Of Womanhood


The Muse In The Dark

The Muse In The Dark

I knew my menopause would ‘happen’ as I turned 50. I knew it because that is when it happened to my mother. She told me this and informed me that we usually follow the timing of our mothers on such things. I began my menstrual cycle at the same time as her also, she...

The Writers Landscape

The Writers Landscape

What do you take from the prose of another? What moves you and reminds you of your deeper self? * Energy moves me forward as the nib of pen pushes against the blank page, my world opens up as the poetry begins to spill out and words and prose begin to mingle. The...

My first and last book…

My first and last book…

The beginning of my last book about 18 years ago...I didn't notice the codependency that lingered, but re-writing this book many years later where I deepened my enquiry I understood it...and the book invited so much more to be written... It was time to go home, to...

Challenging Times

Challenging Times

There is no doubt we are living through difficult times and the threat is that there will be more, it’s not going away. Do we live with our discomforts, is our world filled with anxiety, do we worry endlessly? How will I feed my children, let alone provide their...

New Book

New Book

When I rewrote my first book I thought it might be a simple editing journey. It turned into a whole new experience of weaving two books together. The second one I had written because there was so much more I wanted to say after the first one was published. But this...

What is conscious dance?

What is conscious dance?

I began dancing when I was very tiny, it seemed the most natural thing to do. We had a very beautiful music box in our home, I remember dancing with my father to its tinkly sounds. And then the small record player with half a dozen records that I could put on myself....

The Oracle Of The Shapeshifter

The Oracle Of The Shapeshifter

There is a dance that ‘merges’ us with the world of spirit. Standing within the experience of trance and polarity, we surrender through the dance and the liminal space, the threshold of the ‘nagual world’ that presents itself. Liminal space is where all transformation...

How do we find our own body of work?

How do we find our own body of work?

Re-Posted from November 15, 2013 by Caroline Carey Many years ago I used to wonder if I would ever find my own work rather than teaching what another had created. I mean by this, the work that would not just be my own style or my own approach, but something specific...

A Middle Earth Medicine story unfolds

A Middle Earth Medicine story unfolds

How to share the foundations of our work, what has already been presented to us, how do we describe what has come from beyond the veil? So many beautiful people bring their offerings to be witnessed, to be shared, such a blessing to see their stories and dances...



The lead mare, steady on her path, seeking fresh waters and green covered pastures, relentless in her will to serve and nourish those who follow. She can smell and sense what is ahead. It is she who leads the way, she has the ultimate authority, the great listener,...

Sanctum Pectus – A souls contract revealed

Sanctum Pectus – A souls contract revealed

For many years I kept myself well hidden. Shrinking into backgrounds, not daring to have friendships and feeling generally ill at-ease with other children at school. There were different reasons for this I am sure. But one that I remember being paramount was that I...

I am not a dancer

I am not a dancer

Have you ever been curious about a hunger inside, wondering how it can be filled? And through the acknowledgement of that hunger, discovered that you are so much more than you ever dreamt you could be? My own journey began with a quest of this nature. I needed to know...

The Perfect Trap

The Perfect Trap

Perfectionism is a trap and if we are not careful it can become a huge obstacle in our life. It can be quite toxic if we are unable to understand where it comes from, this can lead us towards isolation and an inability to express our gifts and talents, which then lie...

Valuing Yourself

Valuing Yourself

The term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of worth or value. It can describe how much you appreciate and like yourself which can include your appearance, beliefs, emotions and behaviors. It can also describe how you believe others perceive,...

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