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    Are you interested in organising with Middle Earth Medicine? 

    When we know we have a powerful message and the work we offer is necessary, unique and vital, we also recognise that to bring it into the world is not a journey to take on our own. Over the next years I am aiming to bring my work, Middle Earth Medicine, more fully into connection with a variety of communities. It is ten years old with thirty years experience behind it.

    The work is growing, it needs others input. We all need help and support, we need comradeship and connection. We also need to share in the profits and the experiences of empowerment. I work mainly in UK. I used to travel around the world, I am now willing to travel abroad twice a year max.

    So….I am looking for new organisers, those who feel passionate about offering spiritually integrated, feminine wisdom and powerful embodiment work to their own communities. Those organisers will benefit from 40% of the profit of this part of the work, plus being able to take part in the work themselves. They need admin skills, good Internet connection, willingness and determination to create these beautiful offerings successfully. They will also receive a free workshop with me elsewhere so that they can immerse themselves in the work without responsibility.

    Please let me know if you would like to apply or have any ideas for support. You can send a private message or begin a chat in the comments below

    I look forward to working with you

    Caroline ♥️

    Middle Earth Medicine  

    Contact Caroline for books, one to one, online courses and personal enquiry.


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