The Wheel Of Souls Return & The Oracle Cards
Self knowledge as a path to fulfilment
The Wheel Of Souls Return takes us on a journey from innocence to sovereignty, defining and understanding what our purpose is from a spiritual and life affirming perspective. It is a personal development journey working with your life-story as a time-line of events and experiences, looking at the parallel journey of your Soul-Craft, sharing with others and using creative tools.
There are opportunities to explore this process through webinars, in-person workshops and with one to one mentoring with Caroline for when you’re ready to explore your life-story on a deeper level, unveil what is there to teach you and to use creative tools as you uncover the inspirations needed in order to develop your knowledge and wisdom.
The process and method is explained within the book ‘Middle Earth Wisdom’ written by Caroline.
Join our community Level One to take step by step opportunities to learn more about this process, dive deeper into the Oracle Cards and meet others on the path
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Individual sessions with The Wheel Of Souls Return
Work with the nine archetypes with Caroline, for soul awareness and growth, discover your soul mission and change your perspectives around your story and purpose.
Sessions can be weekly or fortnightly – online.
Nine archetypes, nine sessions £60 each
Book and pay for all upfront – £450
This image is a version of the wheel that depicts the nine minor archetypes, which is ‘the journey’ aspect of the archetypes and supports us to discover the wound, the solution and the gift. It shows how each segment is related to the inner and outer work of our souls journey.

It is a process that invites you to be honest with yourself and to do the work that you may have been unaware of over time. It calls you to awaken to your potential as it supports you to have the courage you might need to step out from the shadows and allow yourself to take part fully in this journey called life!
The process has spiritual depth and holds knowledge of the bigger picture. It is with this that you can learn about who you really are and what it is you’re here to do.
The program is a resource to support you through 3 areas of personal growth engaging with thirteen archetypes.
The Seer, The Hunter Gatherer, The Warrior & Allie, The Magician/Priestess, The Dreamer, The Innocent, The Spirit-Rebel, The Apprentice, The Artisan or Lover, The Thespian, The Sovereign, The Sacred Fool, The Wise Elder.
Self knowledge as a path to fulfilment
The Wheel Of Souls Return takes us on a journey from innocence to sovereignty, defining and understanding what our purpose is from a spiritual and life affirming perspective. It is a personal development journey working with your life-story as a time-line of events and experiences, looking at the parallel journey of your Soul-Craft, sharing with others and using creative tools.
There are opportunities to explore this process through webinars, in-person workshops and with one to one mentoring with Caroline for when you’re ready to explore your life-story on a deeper level, unveil what is there to teach you and to use creative tools as you uncover the inspirations needed in order to develop your knowledge and wisdom.
The process and method is explained within the book ‘Middle Earth Wisdom’ written by Caroline.
Join our community to take step by step opportunites to learn more about this process.
Click on button for more info…
Individual sessions with The Wheel Of Souls Return
Work with the nine archetypes with Caroline, for soul awareness and growth, discover your soul mission and change your perspectives around your story and purpose.
Sessions can be weekly or fortnightly – online.
Nine archetypes, nine sessions £60 each
Book and pay for all upfront – £450
This image is a simplified version of the hweel, depicting the nine minor archetypes, which is ‘the journey’ aspect of the wheel and supports us to discover the wound, the solution and the gift.

It is a process that invites you to be honest with yourself and to do the work that you may have been unaware of over time. It calls you to awaken to your potential as it supports you to have the courage you might need to step out from the shadows and allow yourself to take part fully in this journey called life!
The process has spiritual depth and holds knowledge of the bigger picture. It is with this that you can learn about who you really are and what it is you’re here to do.
The program is a resource to support you through 3 areas of personal growth engaging with thirteen archetypes.
The Seer, The Hunter Gatherer, The Warrior & Allie, The Magician/Priestess, The Dreamer, The Innocent, The Spirit-Rebel, The Apprentice, The Artisan or Lover, The Thespian, The Sovereign, The Sacred Fool, The Wise Elder.
I really feel the parallel with the art I imagine / create and my life. Its brought me right back to why I became an Occupational Therapist many moons ago, because of my love of art, dance, music, creativity and my core belief in how our occupations, what we do, creates health. I got lost along the way in societies drive for productivity and the medical model which does not always align with my core beliefs in the mind, body spirit interlinking, and my belief that for true health we need to address the root, what we do in our lives, that cause of illness, not just popping a sticky plaster over the symptoms. I so value your work, it resonates with me so much, I just love it. Thank you so much
‘The Wheel Of Souls Return’ ~ a shamanic enquiry into Soul Retrieval, with its founder Caroline Carey.
All of our new beginnings, including our birth story, the start of a project, a new relationship, we learn to see as Spirit sent. The soul has its own unique design, its own sacred contract and is connected to us pre-birth and in the realm of dreaming.
We visit the innocent stage where the imagination begins to vision in, with curiosity, what is possible to create from that contract, from our life story, from our awakenings and even sometimes from our challenges and our wounds. We tap into that innate curiosity, that asks the questions ‘who am I?’
We journey from innocent to rebel, where we let go of old structures and immerse ourselves in the wilderness, to release ourselves and explore our true nature, to find our tribe, knowing that our sovereignty rides the wild storms behind us, slightly out of view, for now.
We become the apprentice of our life-story and the creation of our vocations that come through it, whatever that might be, whether it is a particular project, body of work, even relationship, being helped and guided by the understanding of our own repetitive patterns.
We are waking up!
The wheel continues to be our guide, through adulthood with the artisan and the thespian, creating and acting from that place of creativity, parenting those qualities into being, showing our art to the world and manifesting change and fruition. Ensuring that when the time is right to share our voice, our craft in the world, we can do so with confidence, poise and grace, with a stronger sense of our delivery system.
Knowing and maturing our purpose, our vocation, our potential, we become the Sovereign of our Magestic Garden, stepping into the responsibility needed for the task set out to us and those we must serve.
We might ask; ‘Is authentic leadership my calling?’
And accepting the humility of our Sacred Fool we might relinquish the hold that our soulless ego has over us. Trusting in a power greater than ourselves, the sacred fool reminds us of who we are, how to find humour in our daily lives and our stories, we embrace our humanness, we must awaken fully and know. We become humble to the core.
Leaving no stone un-turned, we aspire to be the Wise Elder of our own making, standing, staff in hand with that Sovereign vibration and the embodied calling that is here to honour and serve the children and those that follow in our footsteps.
Surrendered in acceptance, we know ourselves as deeply as is possible at this time, always knowing there is more work to be done.
We are able to honour our ego as the hands of the soul.
Now as that elder we are here to serve the dreams that are arriving and whatever needs our attention and support.
Are we willing and able to be that Wise Elder in our community and within society?
Knowing who we are, the wheel turns again and we deepen our enquiry.
Our sessions are online as well as in person. You are welcome to join us.
As we follow the guidance that this model and the wheel gives to us, we begin to awaken to our true nature. This informs us of the work we need to do as an individual to find fulfillment, happiness and success.
The benefit of this process is that it touches in on perceptions that may have never been thought of, it gives clear direction with the gentlest of teachings, mostly shared from personal experience. It literally wakes us up to new ideas, new thoughts about ourselves and a reclaiming of our innate birth right.
This is what we all come to understand as soul-retrieval.
Within the program;
You will get to know different aspects of yourself as well as your gifts, talents and offerings,
as together we uncover:
- The Seer – The one who knows, who witnesses and sees
The Outer Realms
- The Gathering – identify our purpose
- Deeper Knowing – Gain confidence and know yourself
- The Offering – Giving back to those who follow
The Overseers – watching over the journey, informed of the work we do on a soul level
- Hunter Gatherer
- Warrior & Allie
- Magician & Priestess
The Journey – the work we do on a body, heart and mind level
- Dwellings – Open up to the bigger picture, the environment that supports our soul.
- Stages of Life – Where are we on our souls journey?
- Archetypes – What quality can we embrace in order to grow our potential?
- Resources – Waking up our inherent gifts
- Tools – Taking up our creative skills and using them
Join our community to discover how this process can help you

The Books and The Cards.
The Oracle Medicine book offers poetry and explanations on each of the 52 cards and their place in the wheel and within this program.
The cards can be set out or picked one by one to tell a story, to guide you, to inspire you on your path. You can then read about them from the The Oracle book, as you gain wisdom from its description, its meaning and its symbolism.
As well as reading and understanding this process, participants on the journey can join webinars and group gatherings, where they can study more and engage with like minded people.
For this process there are two books, a pack of 52 supporting cards and a poster: –
‘Middle Earth Wisdom,’ written by Caroline Carey, also explains her journey in finding this model of work through her experiences from childhood, through adolescence, motherhood, Grand-parenting and as an elder now in our society as a Soul-Worker. She has proven this method by exploring it herself, coming to terms with the challenges that life brings and understanding what it means to fully engage with her purpose and shamanic experience.
You can take part in this by signing up to our courses, engaging with the process and being amongst like minded people who are on a similar path.
The book ‘The Oracle of Middle Earth Medicine,’ describes 52 stages of growth through ‘The Wheel Of Souls Return.’ It includes black and white images that have been created for each stage, poetry to touch the heart and soul of the one who explores and writing on each of these stages to deepen your search.
‘The Wheel Of Souls Return’ poster is a beautiful representation of The Wheel, to help guide you on the journey as you find your way from innocence to sovereignty and beyond.
You can learn about the books and the cards by following this link
The Oracle Cards
Poster of The Wheel Of Souls Return
The Oracle Medicine Cards are a pack of 52 round colour cards supporting the Oracle book which depict the process set out in the wheel. The cards depict each stage and segment of the wheel. You can pick or set them out daily to learn more about the process. Each card has been painted by artist Brenda May.

The beautiful poster of The Wheel, will help guide you on the journey as you find your way from innocence to sovereignty and beyond… It has been designed with the paintings of the cards with and the process of the wheel.
The poster comes safely rolled in a cardboard tube.