It is there in plain sight, where the soul has been hidden, and where the essence of the human body has been taken over by spirits we call worthlessness, ill-health, resentment, depression, addiction, hunger, deprivation and so many more.
Anytime we become despondent through lack of purpose or through trauma or neglect, one of these or other, negative forces makes it’s way through the body, the mind and the heart of the one who suffers.
How to eliminate this is a process we cannot take lightly. There is work on many levels to be done. Which begins by the one who suffers wanting that change. It is not enough to simply understand this.
There are many ancient tools and practices that help to empower the soul into its return. There are also more modern day practices.
And there are ways of seeing soul loss and interpreting it.
Beginning to track the journey from birth or conception to gather the data is the first step. To witness the golden thread that runs throughout the life story, to see where breaks have occurred to the thread, where the soul loss was first activated.
These are not necessarily the moments of severe trauma, they could be the first moment we received the disapproval of a parents look at us, which sets up a pattern of feeling worthless.
And there the core wound is formed, so early on, with no verbal understanding of it, it just is.
The stage is set, the play continues, deepening in its tragedy.
We follow the golden thread to visit each stage of the play, as solutions are formed to deal with the pain.
Characters set on the stage to empower or to enable the suffering.
The saga continues.
If we are lucky, there will be a turning point, an awakening, a realisation. But it will often happen during a ‘dark night of the soul.’
This is where choice is the golden key. Whatever the journey, choice is our companion and comes as either a shroud of darkness or a cloak of golden light.
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Hi Beautiful Earth Being ✨
I am suffering very much at the moment..
In fact most of my life but just lately everything has come to a head.
I’ve had a lot of loss, bad treatment from others including ex partners..
I’m at a stage of almost disbelieving my beliefs in spirituality.
The universe has taken so much away from me and I’m confused.
I keep thinking I am meant to experience suicide!??? As so much emotional pain has happened in the last 15 months.
And I mean I have suffered grest loss, not just minimal but immense loss and emotional pain.
I am confused and lost and shut myself away from others and bad vibes.
What do i do to heal? Or am I meant to die?
Like I said, I’m confused.
I am a Reiki Master but have never used this gift on people, just animals.
I just hurt so much and it is quite unbearable, I’m tired, very tired of fighting to stay above water.
Sorry for the long comment.
But I am at the desperate stage and no one seems to know how to direct me.
Much love
Romana ✨✨✨✨
Hello Romana, please feel free to email me and lets talk, Caroline