From Maiden to Matriarch

If you are a strong woman, with aspirations and know that you have a message to share from your life experience, what do you do with it? I have considered this for many years, owned it, delved into many possibilities, written books, trained in various modalities and...

fragile is the sensitive soul

I believe that the more embodied our soul becomes, the more sensitive we become. The more we know ourselves, the more we simply cannot act from the avoidance of personality traits, from our ego running the show. It is hard to fully embrace our soul, to feel the...

My Wild Woman

Who is this wild woman that you talk about? Is she the one in the portraits and photographs with crazy hair, a fire in her eyes holding her sword, wearing her primal outfits of designer shapes and colours perfectly clad as it fits her slim lined body, with a perfect...

Do Animals Have Souls?

Wouldn’t it be great to have Soul Advisors as well as Careers Advisors? (If there is a job going in a school somewhere I’ll sign up) If there truly is a soul, (which of course there is) wouldn’t we do better to educate our children about it, starting early on, rather...

Stitching, Weaving and Singing

One of the first things I made in my needlework class at school was a short petticoat, I was very proud of it. Not that I wore petticoats very often, they didn’t fit under denim jeans, nevertheless I had used a sewing machine and that felt like a great achievement. I...

The real Middle-earth

I’ve had some ‘interesting’ sometimes unkind but naïve comments from people about me using the words Middle Earth as part of my body of work. I view this as what Herbert Spencer quoted as ‘contempt prior to any investigation’ or even asking me why! In fact very few...
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