Wouldn’t it be great to have Soul Advisors as well as Careers Advisors?
(If there is a job going in a school somewhere I’ll sign up)
If there truly is a soul, (which of course there is) wouldn’t we do better to educate our children about it, starting early on, rather than waiting till we are so much older?
My religious education and according to the nuns at the convent my soul would go to heaven if I was a good girl.
(But as I was a Protestant in a Catholic system, it was probably unlikely. Go figure

I challenged that system, like most things. I would discover for myself.
My own relationship to God, Spirit and all things that concerned the Soul.
When Sister Marie Edwards said that animals didn’t have souls, I argued, knowing full well that they did and that in fact everything had a soul. The Sister lost a good deal of my respect that day.
I couldn’t prove it then, so I had to educate myself my own way.
Which meant a menagerie of animals at home, observing life and death, births and mishaps even the traumas and what happened to decomposing bodies after a few weeks under ground.
I spent time in graveyards and crypts, put up with church sermons, asked lots of questions about the human condition especially around both and old age.
The only ‘real job’ I’ve ever had was in a home for elders, they were called old peoples homes back then and yet one of the most interesting places ever, but I was only 20 and had two babies to look after as well, (there we go another mandorla)
You could say I observed life in general with an interest in birth and death and particular bit’s in between.
And if I prayed, or had long conversations with my own idea of God, could I influence anything or would it just help me to understand life and the soul better?
And so my curiosity with the Soul, what it means and how we might implement the process of soul retrieval has always fascinated me.
Animism has been an innate part of my existence even when I didn’t know animism existed.
It’s made me question life. Not accept the norm, seek in directions less comfortable and look at experiences from a spiritual perspective as well as an emotional and physical one.
There were many things to consider.
It was like researching my life, my ancestors lives and being curious about my children’s growing up.
I didn’t expect it to take over my life like it has, but it does seem to be what I’m here for.
So my own inner careers advisor has put me on the path, there’s no qualification for it, no degree, no particular label that would ever get me a main stream job, so I muddle through, a bit like how I cook, making it up as I go along, no recipes.
But what I have now, I realise, is a recipe for Soul Retrieval, and it works! It’s certainly made me very happy and is attracting many people who want to understand the journey of their soul as well.
I would consider myself very well qualified now and I use the name of Soul-Worker. Still no degree, but does that really matter?
Maybe one day it will be part of school curriculums. Probably not in my life time, but possibly my grandchildren’s, who knows but I am planting that seed of possibility.
The 13 Week~Soul Retrieval online course has been running for a few years now. Before it was called Deepening the Return. It’s strong in its offering.
What do you consider the soul to be? Maybe you’d like to explore more, we begin again on 27th April. For a journey around The Wheel Of Souls Return