The Fabric Of My Soul

To dance is to awaken to the fullness of our souls calling. To inhabit this calling as fully as possible means to embody our souls potential, in a way that is ours to do and only ours to do. It does not come from dogma, it does not come from any one else’s ideal of who and what we should be doing. It is a personal relationship with a  consciousness that inhabits the very essence of our being, the innocence (inner – sense) that is innate within us. Calling ourselves home we learn to materialise our uniqueness and our potential into embodied wholeness, we become an inspiration for our community. 

The very fabric of our soul can be felt and embodied, it can be created visually, to help us remember a broken innocence, the archetypal quality that we realise we carry and the face that we know we need to share in the world.

In this soul-work gathering we will dance deeply, engage with drum journeys and enter a process of mask-making, as a deep meditation, a profound and illuminating experience to connect with the fabric of our soul and what it shows us through material forms.

‘The Fabric Of My Soul’ addresses soul retrieval, calling forward parts of ourselves that have become lost.

Trauma in its many forms, neglect and painful experiences cause soul loss and so we seek acceptance, which enables us to acknowledge the wounds and take new actions, reclaiming positive archetypal qualities in order to learn about who we are and what it is we are here to be and do.

Always asking that vital question ‘what is mine to do,’ and planting seeds of renewal.

In this workshop we will make and embody our spirit mask.

During this process we undergo a deep meditation to find the archetypal quality that serves our authentic Sovereign. We  immerse ourselves in the dance and use creativity and the wisdom of polarity asking ourselves ‘what is seen, and what is unseen?’ This enhances what we find whilst creating the fabric of our soul.

This experience is not about ‘acquiring’ a mask, but a journey to uncover what is hidden. Bringing it into the light so the truth  can be seen and known. It is about the process rather than the outcome.

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