Many of us need some form of creativity in order to make sense of processes and concepts. Wether it’s writing, drawing or making models and maps. It’s been like this since the beginning of time.
It’s how astrology was created, medicine wheels, diagrams in architecture or maps and models to go into battle with.
It helps our mind understand logic, see different perspectives on matters and even beautify the knowledge to pass on to others, it makes it more accessible and appealing.

Sometimes we need experiences to help us understand, feeling it in the body as we move with it, create with it and design our own embodied sense of what it means.
This is the same for when we are learning about ourselves, our life story, our wounds, our emotions and our behaviours.
It helps us to unravel our past and to understand what we have been through.
The most difficult parts of our process can be simplified and re-created in such a way that it is visually representative of what might be too complex and difficult to learn about in any other way.
I found this many times for myself. And so I began the design of a map, one that would take me from innocence to maturity in a way that would simplify the process, be fun and engaging, but also spiritually guided and that involved working with others to illuminate my path.
It became a route to soul retrieval a shamanic journey, a spiritual understanding to help me discover why I am here and what is mine to do.
Knowing that I am learning about myself so that I can be in service to the greater good, which is more appealing than consistently trying to undo what I considered needed to change, trying persistently to heal myself, rather than accept myself and my life, in order to use it for the good of community. It brought me to a more grounded understanding of my reality, my life story and the gift that is mine to offer.
The model of work I created is designed for us to see every part of our life as a perfect choreography, created as a map for future generations to learn and be inspired from.
The model is called The Wheel Of Souls Return, and teaches us how much we matter in the greater scheme and that our journey is important and we are a gift for the world with an important message to share.
I created this map from my own journey, knowing it is a map of the human story that has evolved over time and become much more complex and takes more energy now to unravel. But even so, creativity is still the guiding force as it has been for millennia. Creativity being a route of engagement to spirituality.
And spirituality being the missing link in today’s society that prevents true growth and development of soulfulness.
The next bookings for my online course are being made, beginning 7th September for 13 weeks, you are welcome to join us.
I would love to show you how the journey works and how your gifts and talents can benefit from the creativity, the community connection and the traditional tools we use.
I hope you will join us,