Middle Earth
Medicine Ways

From Wounds To Wisdom

awakening the path of the feminine

where soul and story meet


“The synthesis of our wounds and aspirations creates presence, wholeness and spiritual maturity, which reveals our true purpose”                    

Caroline Carey – Founder Of Middle Earth Medicine Ways


to a gentle & renewing path with animism (soul-work) and ritual. Transforming feminine wounds into courage & inner strength with rites of passage and traditional tools.

Are you preparing for the second half of life, or entering your elder years and experiencing

  • feeling stuck without motivation or direction?
  • sensing loss in a search for true purpose?
  • challenged with motherhood or menopause?
  • overwhelmed by the relentless march, or knowing that time is running out?

You might feel alone with this, but there is a community here for you.

On offer is a path designed to bring us together, to help empower us to become future true elders, sharing our wisdom, experiences and strengths. Together we inspire and encourage each other, by sharing our stories and wisdom, growing with the resources available to us. 

Are you yearning to bridge the chasm between your soul’s whispers and worldly action?


Where Soul Meets Story with Caroline  – Throughout my life, I’ve been fascinated by the whispers of the soul, which led me to explore the concept of duality, the tension between the spiritual and material, the masculine and feminine, the wound and the wisdom that shapes our world. When we don’t understand this tension, it can lead us into disconnection, leaving us without knowledge of a deeper experience.

The second half of life offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and reflection. As we gain wisdom and experience, we’re better equipped to understand the significance of our past, navigate the present with purpose, and make informed choices for the future. It’s a time to discern what truly matters and use that knowledge to guide us towards a fulfilling path.

It’s about navigating life’s complexities and rediscovering the unique gift we are each born with. 

The  creations of soul work, the liminal spaces and the traditional shamanic tools I offer, are invitations to explore this idea from the moment of conception – to the tension created within life transitions. We explore the wisdom of animism, and the language of archetypes to develop our personal mythos. Through these processes, we rediscover the feminine wisdom inherent that we already possess but may not have acknowledged or acted upon. 

Is this resonating with you?

The journey of self-discovery that is held here, isn’t about theory: it is a deep reflection, a change in perspectives, creative projects and a connection to the natural and spiritual worlds.

Dance, Write, Connect 

Conscious Dance

Movement, transformative expression, gaining freedom within emotion. All welcome


Poetry and verse, memoirs and storytelling, an opportunity to share safely from the heart


Join gatherings, share in the knowledge, experience and wisdom that is innate in us all

What others say

I love your gentle, soft, and strong nurturing words of encouragement, the intensive way you observe, witness and watch the group and the places we go to. I do believe my work is moving forward because of this. I love what you are bringing to movement, all your life's experience and beyond.

Francine Swaby (families in focus)

Middle Earth Medicine Ways

Francine Swaby (families in focus)

I love your gentle, soft, and strong nurturing words of encouragement, the intensive way you observe, witness and watch the group and the places we go to. I do believe my work is moving forward because of this. I love what you are bringing to movement, all your life's experience and beyond.
An excellent DJ, an ethereal crone and movement ‘passionata’ bridging the extreme gaps between the territory of soul and the world of flesh and bone; I have danced with Caroline for eight years. There is no one I would trust more to hold me in my dancing journey. Caroline is a rare breed of movement teacher of the most intuitive kind.

Sally Turiya Elsbury - Actor

Middle Earth Medicine Ways

Sally Turiya Elsbury - Actor

An excellent DJ, an ethereal crone and movement ‘passionata’ bridging the extreme gaps between the territory of soul and the world of flesh and bone; I have danced with Caroline for eight years. There is no one I would trust more to hold me in my dancing journey. Caroline is a rare breed of movement teacher of the most intuitive kind.
The Magic of Mandorla Intensive with our lovely little group was a precious and privileged time for me. Thank you Caroline as always for holding this creative space with such gentle care, skill and grace.

Gabrielle Cheung

Middle Earth Medicine Ways

Gabrielle Cheung

The Magic of Mandorla Intensive with our lovely little group was a precious and privileged time for me. Thank you Caroline as always for holding this creative space with such gentle care, skill and grace.
I found the workshop exceptional. Caroline is a total world class magician in her arts. I feel well from the depths of my being!
So happy to have done the workshop. I need to dance like that MUCH MORE!
Thank you!!!!


Middle Earth Medicine Ways


I found the workshop exceptional. Caroline is a total world class magician in her arts. I feel well from the depths of my being! So happy to have done the workshop. I need to dance like that MUCH MORE! Thank you!!!!
The medicine from your Mandorla workshop in Amsterdam is still working in me, it was a deep surprise to experience this work. I am still in the process of embodying what I learned that weekend into everyday choices and actions.The experience was so strong that I can easily recall it and tap into it's vivid messages. Re-membering.Thank you again for this precious work!


Middle Earth Medicine Ways


The medicine from your Mandorla workshop in Amsterdam is still working in me, it was a deep surprise to experience this work. I am still in the process of embodying what I learned that weekend into everyday choices and actions.The experience was so strong that I can easily recall it and tap into it's vivid messages. Re-membering.Thank you again for this precious work!
I am amazed at the journey I am taking with this apprenticeship. Since September 2018, this path has shown me how to accept, nurture, and explore my own vision. My courage has grown and I have been able to direct my passion to hold Middle Earth Medicine (MEM) conscious dance spaces in Cork.  I feel myself expanding, strengthening, and softening with what is true for me. Every experience is woven through the MEM Wheel and with each turning I am becoming more open, trusting, and free-flowing.

Elixxchel Lily, MEM apprentice, childcare assistant and holistic therapist.

Middle Earth Medicine Ways

Elixxchel Lily, MEM apprentice, childcare assistant and holistic therapist.

I am amazed at the journey I am taking with this apprenticeship. Since September 2018, this path has shown me how to accept, nurture, and explore my own vision. My courage has grown and I have been able to direct my passion to hold Middle Earth Medicine (MEM) conscious dance spaces in Cork.  I feel myself expanding, strengthening, and softening with what is true for me. Every experience is woven through the MEM Wheel and with each turning I am becoming more open, trusting, and free-flowing.
Middle Earth Medicine Ways

Earth Love invited me to share on her podcast 2024

Sharing the Oracle card ‘Spirit’ 2022

“This middle earth, the older name of our culture, holds for us the healing & magic of our own societies wounds, as we lean into the creative songs that wish to be made known & dance what ever emerges from the depths of our bones, as the cells cry out the most ancient of our own poetry, we find out who we are and how it is, that we really do know why we are here”

Caroline Carey

Founder, Middle Earth Medicine

If you don’t know the kind of person I am
and I don’t know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and following the wrong god home we may miss our star.
William E Stafford

If you would like to learn more about Middle Earth Medicine

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