What is Soul Loss?

There is so much soul loss in our world. Wether we see it afar or in our own homes. Walking down any street, shopping centre, parkland we will come across it. Sometimes in extreme circumstances, other times the look in another’s eye. It is there in plain sight, where...

The Oracle Of The Shapeshifter

There is a dance that ‘merges’ us with the world of spirit. Standing within the experience of trance and polarity, we surrender through the dance and the liminal space, the threshold of the ‘nagual world’ that presents itself. Liminal space is where all transformation...

Wounded Innocence

What happens to a child that has been abused, neglected or traumatised, who later in life is trying to deal with that story, remembering that what ever happened and not just what happened in those moments but also what happened around the abuse, the words spoken, the...

Will therapy work for me?

This is a question so often asked. Will it work specifically for ‘me?’ And ‘how might I go about it?’ We might be considering therapy or even been at it a long time. We might be questioning if we are with the right therapist, or that we might...
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