What is Soul Loss?

There is so much soul loss in our world. Wether we see it afar or in our own homes. Walking down any street, shopping centre, parkland we will come across it. Sometimes in extreme circumstances, other times the look in another’s eye. It is there in plain sight, where...

My first and last book…

The beginning of my last book about 18 years ago…I didn’t notice the codependency that lingered, but re-writing this book many years later where I deepened my enquiry I understood it…and the book invited so much more to be written… It was time...

I am not a dancer

Have you ever been curious about a hunger inside, wondering how it can be filled? And through the acknowledgement of that hunger, discovered that you are so much more than you ever dreamt you could be? My own journey began with a quest of this nature. I needed to know...
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