The Heart of the Artist

Jungian psychology speaks of the need for us to honour our own human and innate archetypes, to allow them to play their way through us – and if we do not live that quality into being then we die – spiritually.  These archetypes live within our unconscious...

Walk through our vulnerability

There is no possibility of truly loving with out that same love being prepared to be vulnerable. There is no true courage until we can walk through our vulnerability. Beautiful vulnerability – be careful what I write. Releasing me from safety, never knowing, as safety...

The Key To Our Own Sovereignty

Are we not all desperately trying to reclaim our Sovereignty? Yet do we really know what it means? When I think of my own Sovereign, I think about myself as born with a soul in-tacked, of being complete and being loved for just who I am, in Gods eyes, never mind any...

Wounded Innocence

What happens to a child that has been abused, neglected or traumatised, who later in life is trying to deal with that story, remembering that what ever happened and not just what happened in those moments but also what happened around the abuse, the words spoken, the...
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