by Caroline Carey | Mar 8, 2023 | Blog
I’ve given a lot of thought to my voice over these last few years. My desires to sing and to speak about what is important to me. It always takes me back to growing up, the way I did and how my voice was encouraged – or not. And in the ways it was...
by Caroline Carey | Oct 17, 2022 | Blog
The beginning of my last book about 18 years ago…I didn’t notice the codependency that lingered, but re-writing this book many years later where I deepened my enquiry I understood it…and the book invited so much more to be written… It was time...
by Caroline Carey | May 29, 2022 | Blog
I began dancing when I was very tiny, it seemed the most natural thing to do. We had a very beautiful music box in our home, I remember dancing with my father to its tinkly sounds. And then the small record player with half a dozen records that I could put on myself....
by Caroline Carey | May 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
There is a dance that ‘merges’ us with the world of spirit. Standing within the experience of trance and polarity, we surrender through the dance and the liminal space, the threshold of the ‘nagual world’ that presents itself. Liminal space is where all transformation...
by Caroline Carey | Feb 4, 2022 | Blog
For many years I kept myself well hidden. Shrinking into backgrounds, not daring to have friendships and feeling generally ill at-ease with other children at school. There were different reasons for this I am sure. But one that I remember being paramount was that I...