by Caroline Carey | May 29, 2022 | Blog
I began dancing when I was very tiny, it seemed the most natural thing to do. We had a very beautiful music box in our home, I remember dancing with my father to its tinkly sounds. And then the small record player with half a dozen records that I could put on myself....
by Caroline Carey | May 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
There is a dance that ‘merges’ us with the world of spirit. Standing within the experience of trance and polarity, we surrender through the dance and the liminal space, the threshold of the ‘nagual world’ that presents itself. Liminal space is where all transformation...
by Caroline Carey | Apr 21, 2022 | Blog
Re-Posted from November 15, 2013 by Caroline Carey Many years ago I used to wonder if I would ever find my own work rather than teaching what another had created. I mean by this, the work that would not just be my own style or my own approach, but something specific...
by Caroline Carey | Feb 28, 2022 | Blog
How to share the foundations of our work, what has already been presented to us, how do we describe what has come from beyond the veil? So many beautiful people bring their offerings to be witnessed, to be shared, such a blessing to see their stories and dances...
by Caroline Carey | Feb 28, 2022 | Blog
Do you ever get that feeling that something is changing in your life! You have an idea what it is, but how it will unfold is still a mystery? We might get frustrated at these moments, needing to rush ahead and make these changes happen, to find meaning and purpose...