Do Animals Have Souls?

Wouldn’t it be great to have Soul Advisors as well as Careers Advisors? (If there is a job going in a school somewhere I’ll sign up) If there truly is a soul, (which of course there is) wouldn’t we do better to educate our children about it, starting early on, rather...

Stitching, Weaving and Singing

One of the first things I made in my needlework class at school was a short petticoat, I was very proud of it. Not that I wore petticoats very often, they didn’t fit under denim jeans, nevertheless I had used a sewing machine and that felt like a great achievement. I...

The real Middle-earth

I’ve had some ‘interesting’ sometimes unkind but naïve comments from people about me using the words Middle Earth as part of my body of work. I view this as what Herbert Spencer quoted as ‘contempt prior to any investigation’ or even asking me why! In fact very few...

What is Soul Loss?

There is so much soul loss in our world. Wether we see it afar or in our own homes. Walking down any street, shopping centre, parkland we will come across it. Sometimes in extreme circumstances, other times the look in another’s eye. It is there in plain sight, where...

Purpose is a quality, not a job

So many people are talking about ‘purpose’ but what actually is it? How many times have we heard that our purpose matters? It has become popular and sometimes overrated, the idea that our purpose is important to find. Why has this become such a deep and meaningful...
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