Realisations from the Mandorla workshop, by Ben Cole
Realisations from the Mandorla workshop in Joburg by Ben Cole It’s a very exciting feeling when co-holding Caroline’s Mandorla workshop constellation process. I didn’t expect to have any deep insights, as I was focusing on holding the space and making it safe for...
Soul Free Of Shame
Shame is generally felt as unworthiness, caused by how we perceive others to see us or think about us. Guilt is generally connected to something we have done that has caused problems regarding what others think or feel and what we think or feel ourselves. If we are...
Why & how does shamanism work?
Why does shamanism work? And how have scientists proven this is now fact? Shamanic healing has often been named as superstitious and primitive, with no proof of reality. However, scientists have now recognised that there is a quantum mechanism behind these rituals...
The Rebels Rite
I was often labeled as a rebel, in my growing up, my school days and even as a young adult. I never really did anything ‘by the book’ or as my mother would have liked things done. She used to sing Frank Sinatras song to me, “I did it my way!” or “She did it her way!”...
The sweetest pill
A time comes in our lives, does it not, to re-connect to the innocent soul, the creative soul, the wounded soul within us, the poet and artisan, the shapeshifter that knows itself and its many faces, learning – always learning to ‘de-program’ oneself and ‘re-program’...
Following our shamanic heritage
For the dancers, the freedom makers, the liberators of soul, the poets and celebrators, the magicians of our fold. The new middle earth is upon us, where mystery and dreaming is being brought back into the arena of our daily living. Tolkien gave us the inspirational...
For those who lost their tongues
The Middle earth – this holding land, the indigenous of our tribe, the people of my heritage, their medicine and their myths, where dragons and elves not only in dreams as kings fought for their forests, the land, the sacred medicine where beasts and...
Journey Of Empowerment
If I did not know what to be ‘empowered’ meant and I looked at images of what it appeared to mean, I could assume it was all about having strong muscles. There actually seems to be a lot of confusion about this word and I wonder how we might begin to unpick it...
Traditions are alive….in us
The pioneering work of Michael Harner, PhD, brought shamanism to the West. In 1979, he created the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the world's foremost shamanic training center. It was the work of Harner that I studied with in the UK when it became very clear to me...
Why Middle Earth Medicine?
There are many reasons to call a body of work ‘Middle Earth Medicine Ways.’ I’ve been curious about it myself over the time it has hovered around me and then once it fully landed I started to get the picture every clearly. There is my own story in it,...
San – the dance and the song
I'm sitting in the bush, with just the sounds of birds and distant chit chat from the San people in their village. Laughter of children, the odd argument and clanking of dishes. A language I cannot begin to understand, but smiles that are sweet and feel meaningful, I...
The first dance
I have just returned from our second adventure in the Kalahari, in Namibia, a trip that first began with the exploration of one of the oldest dances known to mankind. The San bushmen have been holding ritualistic healing dances for as long as history can tell and...
How do we meet potential?
What happens when we or others find our/their soul purpose? When we know that the reason for us (or them) being here on this planet is clear and obvious. It’s possible that either way, we meet with fear, anxiety, the need to have others approval thus making the timing...
If we tell a child “that is just your imagination” we are sabotaging their natural ability to be able to connect with the world of creativity, to use what is innately their wisdom and way of thinking, feeling and creating story, art and poetry, to be connected...
JAK TANČIT A MANIFESTOVAT VÁŠEŇ NAŠÍ DUŠE? Přednáška Caroline Carey Maitrea, PRAHA, Týnská ulička 6 11. SRPNA 2016, 18:00- 21:00 Caroline je lektorkou Movement Medicine působící po celém světě, spisovatelkou, autorkou čtyř publikovaných knih (v angličtině),...
Middle Earths Origins
The Creative Journey
Faced once more with a new creative project, I find myself bursting at the seams, excitement looming and wanting to get it down, manifest it, get my hands dirty in the soil and creativity of it. Stitch and sew it into being. Always time weighs heavy on the side...
‘Hollow Bone’ The Life Stages of Soul Work
Do you ever get that feeling that something is changing in your life! You have an idea what it is, but how it will unfold is still a mystery? We might get frustrated at these moments, needing to rush ahead and make these changes happen, to find meaning and purpose...
Soul Action – Awaken Your Dancer – Empower Your Soul – Embody Your Purpose in Life!
Many of us live with a sense that something is ‘missing’ – as if there is a void lurking beneath the surface of our lives that we can never quite fill. As a result, we can spend our lives endlessly seeking to fill that emptiness with more – more money, more...
Swan Song
Some time ago Ben and I found a dead and decaying swan. It wasn’t in our own country I hasten to add, before anyone alerts the queen! (as we know all swans in England belong to the queen!) In fact we found two dead swans and on further examination we realised they had...
Meet Caroline
Welcome to my website, I am happy to share my world with you. I am very passionate about the work I offer, holding workshops and retreats that include, dance, movement meditations, personal development, healing and creativity. I never imagined how...
Is your voice a hidden mystery to you?
I remember when my mother asked me what I wanted from Father Christmas, I said I wanted a really big poetry book. Christmas morning it arrived on the end of my bed. It was quite big, considering I was only about four or five at the time. It’s a little worse for wear...
The Embodied Shamanic Journey
Recently I was asked to write an article for the Sesame Journal about the Shamanic Journey. I called it ‘The Embodied Shamanic Journey’ as for me the most profound journeys happen when I am dancing! Thus they include my body, my heart, my mind, soul and spirit....
She wolf Alpha being No need for others approval She is Who she is No need for affirmations No need for the right to be She leads the hunt Walks through the gate first Fiercely independent A seer for all She knows herself fully Inside and out Limitations and...
Is it time to be consciously guilty?
Guilt and shame. Two very powerful emotions that we often and usually try to avoid. Guilt can mean that we have done something wrong. Shame means we feel there is something wrong with us. Ok so we get that. But how necessary is it for us to feel these emotions...
How do we Find Our Own Body of Work…?
Many years ago I used to wonder if I would ever find what some would call ‘my own work’ and if I did what would it be. I mean by this, the work that would not just be my own style or my own approach, but something specific that I created myself from my own journey....