by Caroline Carey | Jul 28, 2018 | Blog
As a child I had ideas that I always longed to share and did my best to in one way or another. For sure some of them were a little out of the box, but still I was passionate about them and wanted to have them heard. I know for me this part of my journey has been...
by Caroline Carey | Apr 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
If I did not know what to be ‘empowered’ meant and I looked at images of what it appeared to mean, I could assume it was all about having strong muscles. There actually seems to be a lot of confusion about this word and I wonder how we might begin to unpick it...
by Caroline Carey | Apr 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
The pioneering work of Michael Harner, PhD, brought shamanism to the West. In 1979, he created the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the world’s foremost shamanic training center. It was the work of Harner that I studied with in the UK when it became very clear...
by Caroline Carey | Aug 5, 2016 | Blog, Newsletter
JAK TANČIT A MANIFESTOVAT VÁŠEŇ NAŠÍ DUŠE? Přednáška Caroline Carey Maitrea, PRAHA, Týnská ulička 6 11. SRPNA 2016, 18:00- 21:00 Caroline je lektorkou Movement Medicine působící po celém světě, spisovatelkou, autorkou čtyř publikovaných knih (v angličtině),...