Caroline offers this ancient principle, which is creative, playful and accesible to everybody yet deeply moving, intense, powerful, heart-touching and inspiring. For me, most importantly it is a tool, a resource that gives me more clarity, choice and freedom in how to live with the many opposites in my daily life with the many roles I play… The combination of Movement/dance/body, the creative visual work, the moving
constellation-work, the journeying, the group of dancers and the way Caroline holds a stunning, safe space in her very unique way, is such strong medicine in these times where many people are searching for
more Balance and Essence in Life. I strongly believe this process offers a potent way to bring more wholeness on a personal level and on collective level. I highly recommend this work to all of us who are looking for an answer to the many challenges we face as a species in this times… thank you, Lies Van Hee