by Caroline Carey | May 24, 2024 | Blog
I believe that the more embodied our soul becomes, the more sensitive we become. The more we know ourselves, the more we simply cannot act from the avoidance of personality traits, from our ego running the show. It is hard to fully embrace our soul, to feel the...
by Caroline Carey | Mar 14, 2023 | Blog
So many people are talking about ‘purpose’ but what actually is it? How many times have we heard that our purpose matters? It has become popular and sometimes overrated, the idea that our purpose is important to find. Why has this become such a deep and meaningful...
by Caroline Carey | Mar 8, 2023 | Blog
I’ve given a lot of thought to my voice over these last few years. My desires to sing and to speak about what is important to me. It always takes me back to growing up, the way I did and how my voice was encouraged – or not. And in the ways it was...
by Caroline Carey | Oct 24, 2022 | Blog
I knew my menopause would ‘happen’ as I turned 50. I knew it because that is when it happened to my mother. She told me this and informed me that we usually follow the timing of our mothers on such things. I began my menstrual cycle at the same time as her also, she...
by Caroline Carey | Feb 4, 2022 | Blog
For many years I kept myself well hidden. Shrinking into backgrounds, not daring to have friendships and feeling generally ill at-ease with other children at school. There were different reasons for this I am sure. But one that I remember being paramount was that I...