Soul Action - Hastings POSTPONED

30may(may 30)10:30 am31(may 31)5:00 pmSoul Action - Hastings POSTPONED

Event Details

This workshop is postponed due to covid-19. I am hoping it will be able to bring this beautiful work to you later in the year. Caroline

Awaken Your Dancer – Empower Your Soul – Embody Your Purpose in Life!

Many of us live with a sense that something is ‘missing’ – as if there is a void lurking beneath the surface of our lives that we can never quite fill. As a result, we can spend our lives endlessly seeking to fill that emptiness with more – more money, more possessions, more relationships. However, this is ultimately a fruitless quest because often what we are really seeking cannot be found ‘out there’ in the physical world for they are the lost parts of our soul – fragments that may have split off many years earlier.

Long recognised by shamans, such soul loss is a form of psychic fracturing that can come about as a result of trauma, dis-ease or a dysfunctional upbringing. Not only does soul loss leave a legacy of ongoing dysfunction, fatigue, illness and depression, but it can also disempower us by crippling our ability to heal and move forward.

Reclaiming and reintegrating the lost parts of the soul is therefore a crucial first step towards self-empowerment. Only then can we align ourselves with our soul’s purpose in order to manifest the abundance of our highest potential.

In this workshop, Caroline will support you to reclaim the lost parts of your soul using the powerful shamanic process of soul retrieval. In a safe and held environment, she will guide you on a journey into the depths, exploring what is missing and what needs to be reclaimed. Then, you will enter into ceremonial space, where you will call in the missing soul parts, integrate them and realign yourself with your soul ready for action in the world.

We will dance fully and deeply!


We cannot know the truth about ourselves by only using our mind…so go deeper search the depths of your own caverns, and find out who you really are. Go deeper because you always can, knowing that the gift that YOU are, lies as a hidden jewel deep inside you.

Never give up, keep asking those questions and meeting the place where two worlds connect with each other

And ask yourself – Who am I?

For you are the light, hiding in your own dark!



May 30, 2020 10:30 am - May 31, 2020 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Depot 37

Earl Street

Other Events


140 deposit £70, concessions available

Please pay deposit £70 to secure a place, the remainder is due two weeks prior to workshop start.

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