In Honour Of Brenda May - The Sacred Fool Archetype

26mar5:00 pm5:45 pmIn Honour Of Brenda May - The Sacred Fool ArchetypeWebinar - The Sacred Fool

Event Details

In Honour Of Brenda May

Brenda is the artist of The Middle Earth Medicine Oracle Cards.

Caroline and Brenda created these cards together that form the artistry for ‘The Wheel Of Souls Return’ a soul retrieval journey.

Sadly Brenda passed away aged 90, in 2022.

We honour her and her artistry through the spirit of Middle Earth Medicine.


I am willing to
whatever the task…Oh!

Open to discover the truth
I know the path
watched over
not hidden
I can reveal who I am
for sure it creaks and groans
from the ego self centred
don’t see me!
But for sure it escapes
running free
I am but a smile
a laugh
oh me, oh my
was that really me
running into the distance?

The Wise and The Sacred Fool provides truth, balance, play, recreation, destruction, creation and change. Taking ourselves too seriously is not always an ideal. There is always a place for humour and our own fool to emerge, recognising we make mistakes, that we need to be transparent and very importantly not beat ourselves up over what and who we are.

The Fool keeps us humble and reminds us where we have come from and the story we hold. Without our humility we are ego driven and power-med to the core. Grandiosity will become our companion and we will lose the essence of what our soul is truly here for.

Webinars are live with Caroline. A time to explore and share about experiences as well as journey with each of the dwellings and archetypes. 

Topic: In honour of Brenda May

Time: 5pm – 5.45pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 9757 8988

Passcode: Brenda90





March 26, 2023 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm(GMT+00:00)



Other Events


Cost for the whole year is £150 for ten, two hour webinars booked in advance, or £17 for individual webinars (please note slight increase this year to cover Zoom and PayPal fees)

Cost for the whole year is £150 for ten or £17 for individual webinars



  1. Hello. The PayPal link does not work. I would like to join the webinar tomorrow Jan 8th. What is the address where I can join?

    • Hi Karin I have emailed you and will sort this problem out as soon as possible Cx

      • I just paid! So PayPal works again. So I will be there tonight (if I get the link :-))

        • Getting sorted, thank you 🙂


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