The Artisan (Lover) Archetype - Webinar

05aug7:00 pm9:00 pmThe Artisan (Lover) Archetype - WebinarThe Wheel Of Souls Return Archetypes Series

Event Details


presenting my art to the world

created from my own seed

grown through the gold of my potential

it continues.

The artisan is the creative within us that knows how to embody our gifts and find the way to present whatever it is to the world. Put simply we learn how to bring beauty into all that we do. This is the task of the Artisan also known as the Lover.

We meet in these webinars to journey with this archetype and to learn about it in relationship to our own life and offering. You are welcome to join us at any time during these webinars.

Webinar with Caroline

Please contact if you wish to join us. EMAIL

One webinar is now £17, pay on Paypal below. Once booked you will receive the link for the zoom i.d. and passcode.


I cannot un-parent this one,

this new being, it is coming to life

and I watch it grow

compelled to witness

as my hands do the work

revealing one step at a time

the talent that shows itself

I am the maker, the celebrator

the call from the ashes

the woven web

that has held this craft

this project

this idea

is freeing itself so I can

show it,

so I can know the creative force within me


August 5, 2020 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)



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Cost for the whole year is £150 for ten, two hour webinars booked in advance, or £17 for individual webinars (please note slight increase this year to cover Zoom and PayPal fees)

Cost for the whole year is £150 for ten or £17 for individual webinars

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