In Honour of Brenda May - The Spirit Rebel
11dec10:00 am10:45 amIn Honour of Brenda May - The Spirit Rebel
Event Details
A series of gatherings focussed on The Wheel Of Souls Return. Sharing on the Oracle cards, group discussion and enquiry. These gatherings are held on Zoom platform and can be joined
Event Details
A series of gatherings focussed on The Wheel Of Souls Return. Sharing on the Oracle cards, group discussion and enquiry.
These gatherings are held on Zoom platform and can be joined any time by anyone.
This is in honour of the late Brenda May, who is the artist of our Oracle cards and who sadly passed away November 2022.
These sessions will be recorded. Each one is 45 minutes long. You are welcome to join. Free of charge.
Please email for the zoom link
or use the i.d. and password Meeting ID: 843 9757 8988 Passcode: Brenda90
- Monday 5th 4pm GMT – Dreamer, why have we lost spirituality in our society?
- Thursday 8th 4pm GMT – Innocent and the core wound that is generated by past trauma.
- Sunday 11th 10am GMT – Spirit Rebel also known as The Outcast, hiding in the unconscious.
- Wednesday 14th 4pm GMT – The Apprentice and why we need to apprentice to our life story.
- Sunday 18th 6pm GMT – Artisan, where our wounds become art
More dates for January coming soon…
December 11, 2022 10:00 am - 10:45 am(GMT+00:00)
Current Month