Heart Matters ~ Hastings Workshop
Event Details
A gentle yet deep exploration of the medicine of the heart held in Hastings, Uk, Saturday & Sunday 13th/14th November, 10.30 – 5pm each day. Limited places. Final booking date 5th November. Down through
Event Details
A gentle yet deep exploration of the medicine of the heart
held in Hastings, Uk,
Saturday & Sunday 13th/14th November, 10.30 – 5pm each day. Limited places.
Final booking date 5th November.
Down through the ages, the heart has been considered the seat of our spiritual and moral compass, the source of love, courage and wisdom. Today, science is confirming what mystics have known for centuries: far beyond its role as a simple mechanical pump, the heart possesses an innate intelligence of its own; it constantly communicates with the brain and the rest of the body’s organs and systems, and profoundly influences the way we perceive and respond to the world.
Drawing upon these ancient and modern insights, Heart Matters offers you the chance to connect deeply with the rhythms of your heart through the power of dance – a powerful experience rooted in shamanic and conscious dance traditions. To facilitate this process, experienced teacher Caroline Carey will introduce you to the Middle Earth Medicine landscape of emotion, which connects us to the heart and body of the dancer, bringing freedom and healing into our lives. Using movement and breath, you will be able to explore this landscape within their light and shadow aspects with the intention of bringing awareness, love and acceptance to your relationship with each one. You will also explore your relationship with wider circles of concern: your peers, your community and the environment.
Connecting with your heart in this way will support you to transform your relationship to your life by healing emotional wounds, awakening your passion and calling upon your heart’s wisdom to guide you forwards into greater intimacy with yourself and the wider world.
Caroline’s approach to this work is one of subtlety and gentle integrity. She is an experienced facilitator in ‘heart medicine’, who draws upon the wisdom gleaned from her own life experiences, as well as more than 20 years’ experience as a 5Rhthyms and Movement Medicine teacher and now holds her own body of work, Middle Earth Medicine.
Prerequisites: No prior experience of MEM required, just a willingness to move your body and be open to others.
“Caroline, you defy my need to find the right words, but I am compelled to try. I feel young and awkward; a mass of gangly green shoots in your glow. My mind knows not what to make of you. But you speak directly to the deepest fibre of the dancer I am. And he learns to listen and trust a little more and open his heart wider still, and he heals. Thank you from somewhere deep inside where words are simply too small.”
—Glenn O’Hearne, Heart Matters, Johannesburg 2014
“In dancing with Caroline, I experienced that her exquisite and gentle way of holding me in the dance allowed me to dive deep into the shadows of my soul. There is an exceptional trust in her relationship with the power and presence of the dance so no excessive prodding (which I usually find so disruptive) is necessary and I was allowed to just dance what I needed to dance and in so doing unfold what I needed to unfold, leaving me blown away and intimately moved.”
—Claire Lynn McTaggert
“My heart has been humming since the weekend’s workshop… anything seemed possible when I left on Sunday night. The combination of your energy, music and voice created such a deep healing experience. Thank you again from my heart.”
—Ulla Arnbert, Heart Matters, London 2010
“I am so, so grateful for the love, acceptance and vulnerability pouring into and out of my being at the end of the Heart Matters workshop. I feel thankful for the beauty of brokenness, thankful for the coming together of beautiful, awakened souls, thankful for life’s teachers. Thank you Caroline Carey and JaYne Bullen for holding such a sacred space for all of us.”
—Tamara Tavares, Heart Matters, South Africa 2014
“It was a whole new experience for me… Instead of standing quietly trying to figure out what was going on and why, I was able to let all the reasons and the chatter go, and get on with the dance and with life! Even since, I rejoice in my new tender heart!”
—Philomena Sutton, Teacher, Heart Matters, Cork 2008
“…as a teacher, trainer and spiritual guide, Caroline brings a presence to her work that speaks of compassion and sincerity; she is truly a woman of stature and depth. It is my pleasure to recommend her highly.”
—John Cully BA (Phil) MA (Spir) MA (Psy)
November 13, 2021 10:30 am - November 14, 2021 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
The Wellington Health and Wellbeing Centre
44 Wellington Square, Hastings TN34 1PN
£250 or £225 Apprentices. £60 booking fee Concessions Available for those in need please ask…
The Wellington Health and Wellbeing Centre
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