Mandorla Magic - mini workshop

17mar6:00 pm7:15 pmMandorla Magic - mini workshopBringing spirit and matter together - all welcome

Event Details

Bringing spirit and matter together

The Mandorla is an ancient symbol, an almond-shaped aureola, a frame that surrounds the totality of an iconographic figure. It represents pure presence depicting sacred moments that transcend time and space.

The Mandorla represents divine union. It is possibly the most ancient sacred symbol known. Two overlapping circles represent the polarities between opposite forces and the energy this holds as in earth and sky, feminine and masculine, ego and soul, or physical and spiritual realms. The opposing energies magnetise each other.

More info here…

In this meet-up I will share the exploration between the polarities that present themselves to us. What are the most common?

Our community gathering held on 17th March 6pm

Open to all £15 for non members


March 17, 2024 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm(GMT+00:00)


£15 for non members

Event Payment

Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!



  1. Hi there interested to participate, is this Saturday or Sunday 12pm GMT


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