What has dance given me so far?
Dance – has taught me to stay close to my innate and instinctual self
Dance – has given me humility and brought me back to my right size
Dance – has helped me engage more fully to the needs of my physical body
Dance – has helped me to see beyond my own ego and thinking mind
Dance – informed me of my need to make better decisions
Dance – helped me to transcend my challenges and sufferings
Dance – has broadened my mind, awoken my spiritual nature and continues to bring my soul more fully into my body
Dance – connected me to my higher power and the true purpose of prayer
Dance – taught me to take responsibility for myself and my actions
Dance – continues to teach me to let go of judgements of others, to own my truth, to receive the pleasures of life and accept the difficulties
Dance – teaches me always to detach, with love from people, places and things, to be grateful for what I have
Dance – has shown me how I need to take responsibility for my own actions and feelings and not try to take responsibility for others actions and feelings
Dance – helps me to own my mistakes and not to blame others
Dance – has helped me to self-regulate my emotions, feelings and obsessive thoughts
Dance – has taught me ‘what is mine to do,’ for myself, for others, for my communities, the environment and for the world
Dance is my connection to God, to Spirit, to humanity and the humility needed to be authentic and integral to the present moment
Dance – shows me how to be teachable so I can grow
Dance simply is the way I choose to live my life – for living in the moment is a dance
And every moment matters
Caroline Carey
Middle Earth Medicine – for the mending of our own cultures wounds