The journey has been a life changing experience for me and it feels like my body, heart and mind were longing for it and so grateful for this gift, for this tool. Thank you for sharing it. With love and respect, Johanna (interior designer)
Drum journeys are often used as the ‘container’ or ‘oracle’ during soul retrieval for gathering insights and wisdom, they offer us a way to seek guidance and support in our daily lives. Whether we journey from home, listen to the drum beat from recordings, seek out the dance halls with their rhythmic beats, listen to our own heartbeat, we can fall into trance with many kinds of repetition. Along with Animism, it is the most time tested of all spiritual practices.
Our imagination is a portal to the spirit world, it is what our ancestors used for guidance, wisdom and story-telling. We can learn to recapture the essence of our indigenous nature, the ways of our great, great ancestors and expand our consciousness and awareness by using and re-membering our innate human skills.
This is an online journeying course run by Caroline, that you can use in the privacy of your own home. Here you can listen to Caroline sharing sessions on the lower, middle and upper world journeys, typically used for Spiritual insights, empowerment, gathering of information, wisdom and knowledge. It is simple yet deeply nourishing and empowering. This particular method helps us to ground the experience of journeying to gain confidence and awaken what comes naturally to us, but what can have been forgotten.
Our imagination becomes a portal to the spirit world, where we begin to perceive and connect with the other worlds, also using myth and inner guidance of the heart. We begin to imagine that non-ordinary reality and vision-in what we learn to expect to see, characteristically archetypal and nonlinear in nature. Our imagination gives the journey a container which can help us to interpret the messages we receive. This gives us a way to articulate the experience for ourselves, to write it and draw it, create art or poetry. We become story tellers of our own visions. We can then translate what we receive into our ‘ordinary’ reality, manifesting our dreams upon the earth.
We aim for this work to be body centered and can be used within movement, as well as by sitting or lying down. We may find ourselves speaking or singing, telling stories and finding new poetry. You will learn how to access the ‘other’ worlds via ‘axis mundis’ and learn how to interact with what you find.
Here is a taster of the experience.
Within the journey we are experiencing an altered state of consciousness, that expands our awareness to many dimensions. Expanding our awareness to include not just our ordinary state, sometimes called the mundane state, but to understand on a much deeper level, the potentials held in the metaphoric, the artistic and the creative. We learn different ways of ‘seeing’ things, like the patterns in our lives, the habits, the ways of relating and within relationships. We learn to understand things in a whole new way, interpreting them to find a greater meaning for ourselves finding more passion, purpose, and authenticity.
The journeys are particularly useful for anyone facing change, looking for direction or insight, or seeking skills and ways to support themselves or others. When we discover our Spirit guides, we have a huge amount of resource at our side. They are there for us in many shapes and forms, guiding us and always willing to give us wisdom. We learn to communicate, to be grateful, to honor these spirit guides in ways we have forgotten within our busy ‘technological’ world.
This experience is of an ecstatic nature, taking us into territories never experienced before, to other-worldy visions and places where we can converse with animals, spirit beings and sometimes those who have passed on.
For the online course it is recommended that you use good speakers rather than the speakers on a lap top or smaller devise. The sound quality, particularly of the drum will may not be so good on Iphone, Ipads and laptops.
Once you have signed up for Level 1, you will find a series of videos and information as well as practice journeys to do. Included are:
The beginning
Preparation for the journeys
Lower world landscape
Lower world and power animals
Upper world landscape
Upper world spirit allies and guides
Recapping the journey
- You can also take part in online courses where we connect together as a group and journey with chosen themes.
Once these have all been learnt and experienced we move on to Level 2, where we will be focusing on very specific journeys and how to master some important techniques. You can join that after attending this first course. Details will be found on the Level 1 page.
Level 2 includes:
Middle World Journeys
Journey in Movement
BPM and Brain Waves
and more…..
To join this course (with the videos), click on the button
The Level 1 part of the course costs £47 and can be paid with a paypal account or with credit/debit card through paypal. Level 2 also costs £47.
Please note that you can also partake in this course by joining the Membership PlatformTriad Two, visit this link.
Individual sessions are available for shamanic journeying, please email for more info Sessions cost £65 for one hour or £35 if you are signed up to one of my courses.
What is Shamanism?
Traditionally in cultures that have a deeply shamanic path, it is believed that shamans are those who have been chosen by the spirits, to go into a repeatable, controlled trance at will.
Journeying into that trance they visit the spirit worlds to work with the spirits they meet there in order to make physical changes in this middle world.
Spirits connect whilst in trance to use the shamans body in order to heal or give advice to the community. Shamanism connects us to the spirit world and a way of life that re-connects us to nature, to the human and the non-human soul.
It is not necessary to be a shaman to use the tools of shamanism, but what we learn is that the drum beat scientifically affects our brain waves and third eye, allowing us to see and have a more lucid experience, thus awakening the imagination as a portal to the spirit worlds.
Please note that you can also partake in this course by joining the Membership PlatformTriad Two, visit this link.
Upcoming Webinars
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