The Power Of 13 –
Maiden To Matriarch Apprenticeship,
Teacher Training
The synthesis of our wounds and aspirations creates presence, wholeness and spiritual maturity, which reveals our true purpose – Caroline Carey
Our Circle
The apprenticeship circle is a group of women who study and apprentice to their life journey. Sharing and listening to each other, exploring creativity and deepening their understanding of who they are. This circle inspires us to journey with our life experience, to deepen the acknowledgement and acceptance of our core-wound, by exploring emotional intelligence and transforming trauma into a life affirming journey full of purpose.
The healing work we do is ‘to make whole’ what has been broken or lost. This work of creative empowerment uncovers our authentic and joyful purpose and develops the unique offering that is innately ours.
Within this body of work we apprentice not to a person or theory but to our life story and experience. A unique approach of embodiment with our creativity, using traditional animism tools and psychology as we get to know our spiritual talents and gifts. This is a path of discovery and opportunity, creating a vocation that is fulfilling and purposeful.
Apprentices contribute to build a vital and empowering community together.
In triad one – community gathering, women join when they can and are free to explore the work of Middle Earth Medicine in their own time. See Triad One Community LINK
In Triad Two ‘The Power of 13 ~ Apprenticeship’ women are invited to take part in monthly processes, exploring the polarities we each hold as well as determining their particular role in life, their innate qualities and the vocation that becomes their. legacy.
- LINK to The Power Of 13 ~ Apprenticeship

Our next training begins in TRIAD THREE – THE Dance Of Leadership ~ TEACHER TRAINING
Third Triad is two in-person gatherings, available to those who take part in Triad One and Triad Two and fulfils the prerequisites for training.
It is a Soul-Work and Animist based feminine leadership training, inclusive of embodiment (conscious dance) with the tools of Middle Earth Medicine, its principles and ethics and the resources gathered.
In triad three you are asked to attend creativity workshops in-person, or as hybrids, or online as well as the training gatherings.
We work with embodiment via dance/movement and a variety of tools so that you can offer your own work or offering.
You can join our apprenticeship in 2024 and our training in 2025
Each participant is treated as an individual who has their own timing and trajectory for development. Those on the journey are all treated with respect, fairness and valued for their uniqueness. MEM aims to uplift and embrace the diversity of human experience, by encouraging each person to share their offerings with confidence, creative vision, integrity and depth.
There is more information about the teacher training on this page:
We recognise a lack of diversity in the creative healing arts and that the financial burden can be divisive. We offer scholarships for leadership trainings for marginalised people. There are also payment plans. Please contact to discuss this.
Become a feminine leader, teacher and guide of your craft using embodiment and creative skills
If you wish to explore this journey, please contact us for an application form or more information
I look forward to hearing from you and receiving you into further study. Let’s begin a conversation to explore your personal needs on this path… Caroline.
“The Dance of Leadership apprenticeship has been a life transforming experience for me. The level of deep soul and psyche development is hard to put into words. I feel and sense the wisdom of Middle Earth Medicine in my bones and body. This journey is one of embodiment of both the wisdom of Middle Earth Medicine itself and of my own inner wisdom.
I witness with gratitude and curiosity how this apprenticeship shapes me, my understanding of the world, and how the work expresses through me, guiding others. I have felt deeply supported in my growth on so many levels and particularly as a dance space holder, singer songwriter and workshop facilitator through this apprenticeship – through the passing on and transmission of experience and wisdom from Caroline, as well as from my fellow apprentices and Dreamweavers.
The apprenticeship is a unique experience of marrying my own development with my offering into the world and I know the deepening and gifts will continue for years to come. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to deepen that journey inwards to bring out your gifts. You will be well guided and held in the process by Caroline and the growing team and community of Middle Earth Medicine apprentices”.