Stitching, Weaving and Singing

One of the first things I made in my needlework class at school was a short petticoat, I was very proud of it. Not that I wore petticoats very often, they didn’t fit under denim jeans, nevertheless I had used a sewing machine and that felt like a great achievement. I...

The Oracle Of The Shapeshifter

There is a dance that ‘merges’ us with the world of spirit. Standing within the experience of trance and polarity, we surrender through the dance and the liminal space, the threshold of the ‘nagual world’ that presents itself. Liminal space is where all transformation...

How do we find our own body of work?

Re-Posted from November 15, 2013 by Caroline Carey Many years ago I used to wonder if I would ever find my own work rather than teaching what another had created. I mean by this, the work that would not just be my own style or my own approach, but something specific...

dark night of the soul

It is true that sometimes in order to re-claim our soul, we must journey into the darker places, the mystery, the hunger, the deprivation that lingers. We must uncover the earth where sorrow lies and dig into the depths that have remained hidden for an eternity. To...
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