The Oracle Of Medicine - Hastings, fully residential
Event Details
The Oracle Of Medicine. The Making Of Our Medicine Bags and finding our Spirit~Song 12 participants only. Residential/Full accommodation Hastings, East Sussex.
Event Details
The Making Of Our Medicine Bags and finding our Spirit~Song
12 participants only. Residential/Full accommodation
Hastings, East Sussex.
Our Soul-Work requires us to ‘seek’ through creativity, through the embodiment of our empowered voice, to develop a container for our power-objects that represent experiences throughout our lives and the tools of our offerings and gifts. This Oracle that we create, also called a Medicine Bag, becomes an item that spiritually represents the person who wears it and is carried for guidance and healing.
“I can still feel the soft green silk between my fingers – the process was so beautiful…that it brought healing to those old, old stories. What a gorgeous time we had.” Catherine Wright, Ceremonialist and teacher
This worksop i a prerequisite for our Dance Of Leadership facilitation training.
Caroline will guide you through the medium of conscious and transformational movement and dance, soul work journeys, meditations and enquiries, weaving this information into the creation of your own Oracle (medicine bag). Once an understanding of your process becomes apparent and with time in nature to journey deeper by yourself, you will begin to find the song that wishes to be sung, then weaving that song and all of the information gathered into your own creation.

Why do we work with our spirit song during the creation of our Oracle/Medicine Bag?
To awaken and empower our voice, we need a relationship to its life force. We need to find the quality, not by its beauty or perfections, but by its journey from innocence to empowerment. The song of our struggles and challenges, the poetry of our losses and pain, the call of our achievements that have lived to find solutions and prayers for life on earth. By exploring creativity alongside the empowerment of our voice, means that we are not seeking perfection, or learning songs, but are being influenced by the task in hand.
Why should I do this? What will it help me with?
To stay silent is not an option, each voice is unique, each song is a personal story of the healing journey that we have undertaken and which becomes medicine for others. To empower your voice means to live life to its fullest. To be heard by your community and to pass on to the children yet to come, your story of presence.
If you do not sing your unique song or speak the poetry of your soul – it will never be heard!
Creating our medicine bag, this oracle, is a traditional and empowering experience. We stitch and we sew as we are invited to find our own medicine, as well as our spirit song and open our voices to the healing power they carry, weaving them into the fabric and tapestry of our oracle, the medicine bag. This we discover is the gift of our unique spirit song.
Making our own medicine bag is a process of illumination, to craft our wisdom container or oracle and understand the potency of what it is and what it carries, including our own unique spirit song. There is no need to be able to sing in the usual ways.
Traditionally, it is important to create the medicine bag yourself, finding its reflection and its song inside you.
This is a shared experience where we engage with the process, empowering each other.
The gathering includes conscious dance, time in nature, sharing, craft work and meditations. For men and women, any age or experience.
We are not simply making a bag, we are dreaming the container for our own purpose and medicine. There are techniques and exercises to follow, meditations deep enquiries and community sharing. As we explore this process, we begin to understand more about ourselves, our connection to the spirit world and the innate wisdom that lives deep within our psyche.
Creating our own medicine bag gives us the opportunity to weave, through a dreaming process, the spirit song that is unique to ourselves.
We work with traditional soul-work tools, conscious dance, visioning And time in nature.. A beautiful time together, sitting around the fire, dancing, singing and stitching. Includes vision-walk and sitting in nature, voice work, group sharing and movement meditations.
Why do we make a medicine bag?
It is the process here that matters, how the materials are gathered and where they originated, each stitch has a particular significance, every sound we hear as we weave, the moments in nature and the sensations that move through our bodies remind us of our story. We weave the healing needed or from what has passed into the fabrics as our creation emerges and is birthed into the world, it arrives with the spirit-song that is innate to our own wisdom.
What will it help me with? What issues could it solve in my life?
Creating our medicine bag puts us in touch with our soul-work, it illuminates our medicine man/medicine woman. The process calls from beyond the veils of time and illusion, the particular essence of who we are in the world and the quality that inhabits us. If we have ever asked the question, ‘who am I’ then this is one of the ways we discover the beauty and power that exists within.
A pre-requisite for further training.
This work is a pre-requisite for further training with Middle Earth Medicine and professional development in this body of work.
Accommodation in a country home, by The East Hill, Hastings Old Town with all vegan menu.
Cost: £290 for a shared room (includes accommodation, all catering); £60 supplement for a single room (on a first come first served basis).
Tuition fee: sliding scale £300-£600
Deposit to secure a place £250 (non-refundable). Please secure your place early. Places limited.
Tuition final payment 14 days prior to the event.
There are two reduced cost places available please enquire. By application only.
Once your place is booked, you will receive information on what to bring with further details about the accommodation which is fully residential, includes a vegan diet.
See all booking terms conditions on this page…
April 19, 2023 4:00 pm - April 23, 2023 5:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
Cost: £290 for a shared room (includes accommodation, all food and drinks); £60 supplement for a single room (on a first come first served basis). Tuition fee: sliding scale £300-£600
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Current Month
hi I am interested in the Oracle medicine weekends but cannot do April
Are you planning more ? If so when ? would like to know please
Also cost says £290 but then tuition fees ……does that mean £290 plus
the tuition fees ??
I hope to come to the session at the hospice on 3oth of April
best wishes Mary
Please can. You confirm that there is a dance session at St Michael hospice today at 10.30
Thanks Mary
Hi Mary, there is a dance this morning, look forward to seeing you, Caroline
I am trying to contact Bridget Fenn with news about an old friend, Jane Duncan. I am Jane’s father.
Hi Tony, feel free to email me