The Gathering

01may12:00 am1:30 pmThe Gathering& The Hunter Gatherer Archetype in our Psyche

Event Details

The Gathering & The Hunter Gatherer Archetype in our Psyche

On Zoom

An exploration into our souls journey. What can we recall from our dreamer, innocent and rebel energies? How can we use these archetypes to learn about ourselves and the particular paths we need to travel on.

What would support our creativity at this time?

What can we learn from our lives so far, that might give us the right information to better our skills, have deeper self knowledge and uncover some of what has been left in the shadows.

An online zoom experience with Caroline.

Please email for Zoom link


May 1, 2020 12:00 am - 1:30 pm(GMT+00:00)



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Sliding scale £25 – £40

£25 deposit

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