Shadow & Soul

04dec3:00 pm9:00 pmShadow & Soulretrieving the light

Event Details

Archetypes hold energy that is both negative as well as positive. Our main focus can be on the positive aspects in order to grow and fulfill our spiritual path. However, if the dark is ignored, it can too easily rule, without us being aware of its power over us.

Understanding how to address my shadow, to release my unconscious has taken in-depth enquiry, deep honesty and a lot of hard work! I don’t take that journey lightly – but it does mean I have had to approach it with a lightness of spirit, a kind and gentle hand, a loving presence and a boldness of character.
Do you have what it takes to meet your own shadow?

When we do shadow work, we are simply looking for what is hidden from view and that can often mean we seek our own positive light, but something is blocking it from view. That is often what we consider our shadow, but is more likely what we actually present to the world without being fully aware of it ourselves.

In this online workshop, we engage with the segments of the Wheel of Souls Return to support and guide us as we embark on that deep journey of soul retrieval.

Join us for this exploration of light and dark, of shadow and soul

We will explore what the 13 archetypes present to us. Move with certain energies, using music as well as drum beat. Write, share and create.

There will be breaks from the computer and time for inner reflection.

Book Now to confirm your place.



December 4, 2021 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm GMT(GMT+00:00)



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Cost £65

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