‘Hollow Bone’ Creative Journeys 

06jan9:32 pm9:32 pm‘Hollow Bone’ Creative Journeys 

Event Details

‘Hollow Bone’ Creative Journeys 

with Caroline Carey & Middle Earth Medicine

Caroline has traversed the many territories of human emotion. With decades of intense study of her personal accounts and by holding a safe space for others, she has identified deep layers of suffering, transforming it into emotional intelligence and liberating experiences. She sees the addressing of emotion and riding its profound landscapes as opening gateways into better living, lessening of traumatic responses, increased intelligence and a deeper sense of well-being.

The embodiment of the heart’s wisdom has been Carolines primary objective throughout her many years of tutelage and coaching. By combining traditional shamanic tools, ritual theatre and personal development she helps others to root and embody spirituality into their modern day environment.

We dream in our own ‘Hollow Bone,’ emptying ourselves of mundanity as we travel to the far shores of the upper and lower worlds.

Caroline offers a series of workshops to explore emotional intelligence and shamanic traditions, bringing forth creative abundance as we seek together the guidance of a deeper well of mystery. 

Each workshop includes conscious movement and dance, meditations, creative tasks and group sharing.

No experience necessary, however it is helpful to have engaged in some movement or personal development work.

  • The Oracle Of Medicine & seeking our spirit song
  • The Fabric Of My Soul ~ mask creation
  • Magic of Mandorla ~ a sovereign path
  • The Heart Of Wellbeing ~ our deepest offering

Held in East Sussex, England. Dates and times to be decided.


January 6, 2023 9:32 pm - 9:32 pm(GMT+00:00)

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