Conscious Embodiment Training – A Personal Journey

My own personal journey through trainings and learning to be a space holder of dance and creative skills, has led me through many years of finding out what my purpose is.

I was always on this journey to learn how to offer conscious dance in a way that served my community, but there was so much more to it. And what a pleasure it is to offer this way of work that I enjoy so much and which has always been a growing challenge; it is one my greatest teachers!

Looking back I have learnt that doing what I do is about finding out who I am – what my particular style is and what way worked for me, through me and was the most effective for those I served.

At times I felt like the witch in the corner with no voice, (I always struggled with my own voice) not being sure how to step forward, yet knowing there was medicine unfolding. Then at other times I would feel I had something to share but didn’t know how to put myself into the arena. I would sometimes wonder if I was doing anything at all.

In time, and it certainly was a long time of delving into possibilities, I found my voice and I came to recognise what my particular ‘style’ was.

Gradually moving away from ego and charisma, meant replacing them with deep listening, observation skills and including particular ethics and principles that kept me in ‘Spirit world’ rather than in a world of my own personality. I had to learn to embody this and with help in supervision and with my own mentor and over twenty five years experience, I found out what it truly meant and most importantly – that it is a way that leadership is being called for.

I know for myself I am done with leadership based on personality, charisma, dynamism and glamour, all of which I sense was and is often easy to accomplish. My experiences lead me to adopt a more integral way, a more enlightened way of being in service to the whole and that can be hard to do, because the ego is strong and so often wants to ‘take over’.

Our new ways of leadership are about accepting people for the way they are, allowing what happens in the moment without unnecessary reaction or resistance. Offering intuitive guidance where appropriate, stepping up when direct guidance is needed and stepping back from the arena at times, to allow others to use their skills and step into their own particular roles. This is what Middle Earth Medicine represents and stands for.

The Apprenticeship Toolkit

Experiencing holding a space for others, can radically help us to see what our own role is, so then we can see what our own purpose is and who we are within it.

If it feels time for you to step up, find out who you are in a leadership role and listen to the hearts of others, be in service to your community, whether through dance or any other body-based form of creativity, then I invite you to come and join us on this apprenticeship program which helps people to identify their gift, build community support and do the work necessary to move beyond inhibitions and a lack of self esteem. Much needed when we begin to make our offerings to others.

Once you have participated with us on the apprenticeship, we offer the Leadership Training with four gatherings, focussed on holding a safe space, working with ethics and principles, facing trauma, using a variety of skills, exercises, music offerings and group process. I mentor people throughout.

There is a place for you, if you are ready to step in, please join our 13 weeks soul retrieval journey as many times as possible, be part of our community, attend Magic Of Mandorla workshops and other offerings from the facilitators of MEM,  and sign up for the training, Triad Three.

Application available from

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